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Cannon Commons Meal Plan Discount Pricing 2024-2025
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Dinner
Plus Discount
Discount A
Dining Dollars
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What is Dining Dollars?
Dining dollars are meal plan currency. At BYU Dining Services locations, Dining Dollars are equal to 1 USD, but grant holders tax-free purchases.
The dining dollars of a meal plan can be used at many locations across campus. You may reload more dining dollars onto your meal plan (except for the Cannon Block of Meals meal plan). Reload amounts automatically have a 10% discount. You get 55 dining dollars for loading on $50.
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What meal plan money can rollover?
Dining Dollars from all meal plans excluding EZ Dining are eligible for rollover.
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Will I need to use all of my dining dollars by the end of every semester?
If you have a Fall-Winter Contract the dining dollars will immediately transfer from the Fall to the Winter semester. As long as your meal plan contract is in effect, your dining dollars will roll over, day to day, week to week, and month to month.
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What happens to rollovers if I leave BYU during the Spring/Summer?
Dining dollars can rollover from school year to school year if you get a meal plan eligible to hold dining dollars at the beginning of the following Fall Semester.
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What happens to rollovers if I need to take a leave of absence (i.e. going on a mission)?
If you have a BYU approved deferment for school (a mission, etc.), your extra dining dollars will rollover if you have an eligible meal plan to receive rollovers upon your return.
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Where can I use my meal plan?
Meal plans with dining dollars can be used at any BYU Dining location on campus excluding Campus Floral and Concessions.
These locations are the Cougareat Food Court, the Skyroom, all of the BYU Creameries, the Library Café, BYU Food to Go, the MOA Café, the Blue Line Deli & Market, Jamba Juice, Legends Grille, Harvey’s, the Cannon Commons, the BYU Dining Express lines, and all of the Vending Machines. Visit for details.
When to Buy a Meal Plan
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Is there a deadline to buying a meal plan?
No, there is no deadline to buy a meal plan. Helaman Halls students sign up for a meal plan in their contracting process.
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When is the best time to buy a meal plan?
We obviously encourage you to buy a meal plan at the beginning of the semester so you have the benefits for the whole semester/term but there are a few things to consider.
For all meal plans besides EZ Dining: if you buy the meal plan in the middle of an agreement period, the meal plan will be prorated to the time when you bought the meal plan.
For the EZ Dining meal plan: it is better to buy this plan at the beginning on a month because regardless of when you buy this plan you will receive the full amount for your first month on the start date of your plan.
Switching Plans
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What do I do if I want to switch plans?
It’s easy, before a meal plan agreement starts, you can switch meal plans by just selecting another meal plan through MyDiningAccount. After the Add/Drop deadline you will need to send in a petition through MyDiningAccount.
If you have EZ Dining, you can change the end date on your meal plan at any time. Then after the end date when your meal plan ends, you can switch to another meal plan.
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How do I contact Meal Plans with additional questions?
You can contact Campus Accommodations at (801) 422-6944 with questions you have about meal plans.
Also feel free to use this link to recommend what questions you would like to be answered on this FAQ page.