Cougareat Catering Skip to main content
{ "background-color": "#D4DBE4", "text-color": "#002E5D", "banner-image": "", "banner-text": "FREE campus delivery on Chick-fil-A Cougareat Catering orders May 1st - May 25th" }
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at 801-422-4134 or", "text-color": "#ffffff !important", "button1-text": "FAQ's", "button1-text-color": "#ffffff", "button1-color": "#002e5d", "button1-style": "pill", "button1-url": "#FAQ_Title", "button2-text": "View Options", "button2-text-color": "", "button2-color": "white", "button2-url": "#Menu_1", "button2-style": "", "button-font-size": "25px", "button-margin": "10px", "button-padding": "5px", "button-width": "250px", "button-border-radius": "6px", "button-border-width": "3px", "style": "center", "slash-color": "#574ee7", "slash-opacity": "80%" }

Frequently Asked Questions

{ "BackgroundColorMobile" : "white", "HeadingListMobile": [ "How do I place an order?", "What restaurants can I order from with Cougareat Catering?", "Can I place an order from two or more stores?", "How much advanced notice is needed to place an order?", "Do you have buffet style options?", "I'm looking to order a meal for delivery for myself. Is that something you can do?", "Do you deliver? If so, is there a delivery fee?" ], "DescriptionListMobile": [ "Contact us either in person (WSC 2295), call us (801-422-4134), or email us ( Any voicemails or emails received will be responded to within one business day.", "All 11 of our restaurants have options for catering! To see a full restaurant list and their open hours visit", "Yes, you can order from multiple stores in one catering order.", "We prefer at least 24 hours notice to ensure we have the products and manpower to fulfill your order in addition to our daily serving demands. If your event is sooner than 24 hours, still feel free to reach out and we will see what we can do! Larger orders may require more notice.", "We have buffet style options for Aloha Plate and Choices. Buffet style is recommended for 15+ servings.", "Our options through Cougareat Catering are for larger groups. If you'd like an individual meal delivered, feel free to check out our Cougar Dash program at", "We can deliver to any location on BYU Campus. For all deliveries outside of the Wilkinson Student Center, there is a $15 delivery fee." ], "IconURLMobile": "", "UnderlineColorMobile": "black", "UnderlineOpacityMobile": "1", "HoverColor": "black" }