Cougar Dash Skip to main content
New Cougar Dash
{ "desktopTitle": "DELICIOUS CAMPUS FOOD, DELIVERED FAST", "mobileTitle":"CAMPUS FOOD, DELIVERED FAST", "desktopDescription": "Whether you're cramming for finals or in between meetings, Cougar Dash ensures you get your meal without the hassle. Choose from a variety of popular BYU Dining Locations and get your food delivered wherever you are. Order Now and Dash to Your Next Meal!
", "mobileDescription": "Whether you're cramming for finals or in between meetings, Cougar Dash ensures you get your meal without the hassle. Choose from a variety of popular BYU Dining Locations and get your food delivered wherever you are. Order Now and Dash to Your Next Meal!
", "desktopBackgroundPhoto": "", "mobileBackgroundPhoto": "", "desktopLogo": "", "mobileLogo": "", "button1Text": "Get Started", "button1Color": "#9e1e10", "button2Text": "", "button2Color": "blue", "button1Href": "#Choose_Location", "button2Href": "#Choose_Location", "button1TextColor": "white", "button2TextColor": "white" }
{ "blockTitle": "TO ORDER, CHOOSE A LOCATION BELOW", "blockFooter": "More locations coming soon!", "paddingMain": "48px 104px", "gapMain": "64px", "marginTitle": "0px", "marginSubtitle": "0px", "gapCards": "32px", "blocks": [ { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" }, { "blockLink": "", "blockImage": "" } ], "backgroundColor": "#002e5d" }
{ "title": "DELIVERY HOURS", "subtitle": "Available Monday-Friday. Delivery times vary by outpost - see details below.
Orders must be placed at least 40 minutes in advance.", "backgroundPhoto": "", "mainPadding": "80px 20px", "marginTitle": "0px", "marginSubtitle": "0px", "titleSubtitleGap": "16px", "opacity": "0.1" }
{ "title": "WHERE TO FIND US", "subtitle": "This map shows where all Cougar Dash outposts are located.", "backgroundPhoto": "", "mainPadding": "32px 20px", "marginTitle": "0px", "marginSubtitle": "0px", "titleSubtitleGap": "16px", "opacity": "0" }
ASB Express

Orders will be left in the micro market (room B2). Entering from the south doors, immediately turn and go down the stairs.

Delivery Times


- 11:10am

- 12:10pm

- 1:10pm


- 11:15am

- 12:15pm

- 1:15pm


Orders will be delivered to room 275.

Delivery Times


- 11:10am

- 12:10pm

- 1:10pm


Orders will be delivered to 2nd floor vending hallway 2002D instead of a micromarket

Delivery Times


- 11:30am

- 12:30pm

- 1:30pm

MTC South Express

Orders will be left in the MTC South micro market (P130A). (Turn left from the T4 East Stairs)

Delivery Times

Blue Line Deli

- 11:40am

- 12:40pm

- 1:40pm


- 11:15am

- 12:15pm

- 1:15pm


- 12:30pm

SHC Express

Orders will be left on the desk in room 1042, behind the front desk.

Delivery Times

Blue Line Deli

- 11:50am

- 12:50pm

- 1:50pm


- 11:25am

- 12:25pm

- 1:25pm


- 12:45pm

UPB Express

Orders will be left in the micro market almost all the way down the hall and on the right (room 253).

Delivery Times

Blueline Deli

- 11:30am

- 12:30pm

- 1:30pm


- 11:30am

- 12:30pm

- 1:30pm


- 1:00pm

West Campus Express

Orders will be left in the micro market (room 1170) Go past the eating area in there and turn right to get to the micro market

Delivery Times


- 11:45am

- 12:45pm

- 1:45pm

Brewster Building Express

Orders will be left in room 101.

Delivery Times


- 1:30pm


- 11:10am

- 12:10pm

- 1:10pm

- 2:10pm

{ "Title": "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS", "Padding": "80px 20px", "MinWidth": "320px", "GapBetweenHeaderAndSection": "64px", "GapBetweenColumns": "24px", "GapBetweenQuestions": "24px", "GapBetweenQuestionAndAnswer": "12px", "BackgroundColor": "#fbf0c6", "QuestionColor":"#002E5D", "QuestionFont":"Montserrat", "QuestionSize":"16px", "QuestionWeight":"700", "QuestionLineHeight":"130%", "QuestionsList": ["Q: What is Cougar Dash?", "Q: How do I order from Cougar Dash?", "Q: What restaurants can I order from?", "Q: What time of day is Cougar Dash available?", "Q: What locations can you deliver to?"], "AnswerColor":"#002E5D", "AnswerFont":"Montserrat", "AnswerSize":"16px", "AnswerWeight":"400", "AnswerLineHeight":"150%", "AnswersList": ["Cougar Dash is BYU Dining's meal delivery service, making food more widely accessible across campus!", "For ordering on the BYU app - open the Dining feature and scroll down to \"Cougar Dash\". Select the icon and then select which restaurant from which you would like to order. Then, choose your outpost location. Place your order as normal. You will receive a text when your meal is on its way to the outpost location and when it has been delivered to you", "Right now, you can order from Subway, Aloha Plate, Papa Johns, Choices, Wendy's, Milk & Cookies, Creamery on Ninth, Cougar Crust. and Taco Bell.", "Check the map for delivery times per area, times vary by restaurant. Typically, orders need at least 40 minutes in advance to ensure enough time for food preparation and delivery.", "Current locations include the ASB Express, University Press Building (UPB) Express, the Student Health Center (SHC) Express, West Campus (WCCB) Express, and the MTC South Express. More locations are in the works!"] }
{ "Title": "HOW TO ORDER", "Padding": "80px 50px", "MobilePadding": "80px 20px", "GapBetweenSections": "85px", "GapBetweenTextAndImg": "40px", "GapBetweenHeaderAndDesc": "16px", "BackgroundColor": "#141414", "SectionMinWidth": "280px", "SectionMaxWidth": "400px", "HeaderPadding": "4px 0px", "HeaderUnderline": "1px solid #f9f9f9", "HeaderColor": "#f9f9f9", "HeaderFont": "bebas-neue-pro", "HeaderSize": "32px", "HeaderFontWeight": "700", "HeaderLineHeight": "120%", "HeaderLetterSpacing": "2.24px", "HeadingList": ["STEP 1", "STEP 2", "STEP 3"], "DescriptionColor": "#f9f9f9", "DescriptionFont": "Montserrat", "DescriptionSize": "16px", "DescriptionFontWeight": "400", "DescriptionLineHeight": "150%", "DescriptionLetterSpacing": "normal", "DescriptionList": ["Download the BYU app if you haven’t already. Open the App and go to the dining section.", "Make sure you're on the LOCATIONS tab, scroll down and tap on Cougar Dash.", "Select which restaurant from which you would like to order. Then, choose your outpost location. Place your order as normal. You will receive a text when your meal is on its way to the outpost location and when it has been delivered."], "ImageURLs": ["", "", ""] }